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We Respect Special Districts

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Special Districts are units of local government, authorized by state law to deliver specialized services.

California (un)Incorporated is a fan of special districts. Local voters have established over 2000 special districts in California, all of which perform some kind of desired service in a local area. Whether it is water supply, fire suppression,  recreation and parks, public cemeteries, Veterans' Halls, energy supply, or a variety of other municipal services, special districts fulfill needs for their local constituents.

Our coalition is not interested in vieing with special districts to compete for their constituencies or to duplicate their services. Instead, we seek to add value to local special districts by facilitating the formation of municipalities that can partner with them to provide the best municipal services to local residents and businesses.

Special districts need not fear new incorporations because one of our coalition's core beliefs is that no harm shall come to any special district as a result of a new municipal incorporation. If a special district wants to partner with any of our communities' attempts at forming a city, we welcome the support. Our communities look forward to long and prosperous relations with the special districts in their vicinity, whether municipal incorporation processes exist or not. We firmly believe that any consolidation or dissolution of a special district as a result of the formation of a new city is not our business; it is up to the constituents of a special district, and only those constituents, to determine the future path of their special district.

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